Jewelry Care Guide

Below FAQ are some common concerns of our clients buying from HADI.
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1. Store white gold jewelry separately from other jewelry pieces to prevent scratching, preferably in a jewelry box with compartments.

2. Clean white gold jewelry regularly with a mild detergent and warm water, using a soft brush to gently scrub away dirt and debris.

3. Avoid exposing white gold jewelry to harsh chemicals, such as chlorine or bleach, which can damage the metal.

4. Have white gold jewelry inspected by a jeweler annually to check for loose prongs and wear on rhodium plating, which may need reapplication to maintain its bright white appearance.

1. Store yellow gold jewelry in a fabric-lined jewelry box or a soft pouch to prevent scratches.

2. Clean your yellow gold jewelry regularly with a mild soap and warm water using a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt and oils.

3. Avoid wearing gold jewelry when using harsh chemicals or engaging in activities that may cause damage, such as exercising or gardening.

4. Periodically, have your gold jewelry professionally cleaned and inspected to maintain its luster and ensure settings are secure.

1. Store rose gold jewelry in a soft pouch or a separate compartment of a jewelry box to prevent scratching.

2. Clean rose gold jewelry regularly with a mild soap and warm water using a soft cloth to remove oils and dirt.

3. Avoid exposing rose gold jewelry to abrasive materials and harsh chemicals, as they can cause damage to the metal and gemstones.

4. Consider having rose gold jewelry professionally polished periodically to maintain its rosy hue and shine.

1. Store silver jewelry in a dry, cool place away from sunlight to prevent tarnishing. 2. Use a soft cloth or a specialized silver polishing cloth to gently clean your silver jewelry after each wear to remove oils and dirt. 3. Avoid contact with harsh chemicals such as chlorine, bleach, or ammonia, as they can damage the silver. 4. Consider storing silver jewelry in anti-tarnish bags or using anti-tarnish strips to slow down tarnishing. 5. Periodically, use a silver polish to restore shine to your silver jewelry, following the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
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